9 Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Teen
9 Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Teen
1. Smartphones
Teens are all about communication: texting, tweeting, Snapchatting,
Instagramming -- the works. Whether they have clunky flip phones or
smartphones held together by duct-tape and floss, this is the perfect
time to get them a new one.
The popular picks among teens this holiday season are the ever-popular iPhone 5C or 5S, or any of the many Samsung Galaxy phones or phablets. Be sure to check with the teen in question first -- picking the right brand of phone is crucial.
Price: $99.99 - $399.99
The popular picks among teens this holiday season are the ever-popular iPhone 5C or 5S, or any of the many Samsung Galaxy phones or phablets. Be sure to check with the teen in question first -- picking the right brand of phone is crucial.
Price: $99.99 - $399.99
While teenagers are often vocal about the presents they're dying to get, you might not have a specific wish list on hand. Never fear — this short guide will help make your search easier.
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