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Gmail Will Never Ask You to 'Display Images Below' Again

Gmail Will Never Ask You to 'Display Images Below' Again6133587103_05e7981a2c_o

Gmail will no longer wait for your permission to "display images below."
Google rolled out improvements to how Gmail handles images on Thursday, specifically related to its automatic display of pictures within emails. From now on, you'll never see that pesky prompt again.
The message was initially aimed to protect Gmail users from unknown senders who may try to compromise the security of your computer or mobile device using images.
Now, all images are checked for viruses and malware ahead of time, so it doesn't matter whether the picture came from someone you know. Google is now serving images through its own secure proxy servers, instead of directly from external host servers.
Users who still want to give Google an OK before viewing an image can select the “Ask before displaying external images” under the general tab in settings.
The update is available on the desktop version of Gmail on Thursday and will come to mobile apps in early 2014. Resizing%2520options-fixed

Resizing Options

Gmail users can now control the density of their inbox. Depending on your preference of white space, you choose manually between three sizes: comfortable, cozy or compact.


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