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NSA Targeted Unicef and Israeli Prime Minister


The UK Government Communications Headquarters and the National Security Agency had their sights on a European Union official, German government buildings, several international humanitarian organizations and the Israeli prime minister, according to a joint investigation by The Guardian, Der Spiegel and The New York Times.
Two of the more prominent targets were Unicef, the United Nations' children's charity, and Ehud Olmert, who was Israel's prime minister in 2009. The government institutions had also listed German government buildings in Berlin and outside the country, the European Union's Competition advisor, the head of the Economic Community of West African States, and more as potential marks, according to the article.

These latest revelations were pulled from the documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who incited a stormy debate surrounding the breadth of U.S. and UK spying. These new allegations come just months after Der Spiegel reported the NSA may have tapped German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone.
Previous information, which The Guardian also obtained from Snowden, revealed the NSA collects the phone data of American citizens from companies such as AT&T and Verizon.


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