Ashes 2013: Killing the spirit of cricket
Call it anything you like, but what it boils down to is ugly, unsporting, nasty, name calling.
Insulting an opponent, calling him a coward, describing him as "scared" and having "fear in his eyes" and threatening to use a lethal fast bowler to break the arm of a recalcitrant opponent is going too far. And the ugliness of those insults and associated disrespect is compounded when players use the media to criticise and belittle opposing players.
Sledging is not new. According to some former players banter
deliberately devised to upset opposition players was often intended to
be funny. The cheeky more talkative blokes came up with funny lines and
nicknames for opponents that were intended to distract them.But these days the chat on the field and some comment made off the field is loaded with malice.
When Australia and England meet in test cricket supporters of both teams expect a full blooded committment from their respective teams.
On field battles between the two have, over the years, produced a pantheon of sporting heroes and memorable contests.
Winning the Ashes, watching our national test cricket side beating England is, for many Australian sports fans, the pinnacle of sporting satisfaction and enjoyment, and absolute misery when England dominates.
We expect our team to play the Australian way, the hard way.
But allowing on field sledging to degenerate into spiteful and threatening intimidation of opponents is not playing the hard way. It is conduct unworthy of our cricket elite.
By their actions and their abuse, some players, from both sides, are saying it's OK to taunt opponents, to pour scorn on members of the opposing team, to question their courage, threaten them with physical harm, and in doing so gain an advantage.
Inevitably, their actions will be watched and mimicked by aspiring young circketers across the country.
Team captains and officials have allowed sledging and taunting to become an accepted part of the game.
Players, not satisfied with dismissing opponents, now indulge in on field displays of excessive triumphalism, part of which seems to be a requirement to sledge your opponent as he leaves the field.
It has gone too far. It is ugly and unnecessary and is killing the spirit of the game.
It is often said that in the world of elite sport winning is everything. But surely there are times when players and administrators should pause and reflect on the unique sporting ethos that was once part of test cricket, and do something about restoring it.
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