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These 24 Santas Are More Extreme Than You


Riding a Motorcycle

If your first thought was that Santa joined a naughty biker gang, know that these biking santas are collecting money for "La Cabaude," a French charity that distributes toys and candy.94323710_10

Riding a Motorcycle

You can find Santa doing the same in Zurich as well.95481509_10

White Water Rafting

Other preferred modes of transport over the sleigh include: white water rafts.174276392_10

Bumping Cars

And bumper cars.156652640_10

Sack Racing

The Santa Winter Games in Gällivare, Sweden, are a sort of Santa Claus Olympics, where jolly red giants compete in events like "Porridge-eating" and a dance-off.107625807_10

Bungee Jumping

In Kuta, Bali, Santa Claus takes a break from delivering toys and jumps off a cliff.158623114_10


Should anyone be surprised that when in Los Angeles, Santa likes to surf?158629526_10

Teaching Kids to Surf

Well, you might be surprised to learn that he also teaches lessons.452737029_10

Running Five Kilometers

The rumors of Santa being a large, fat man are largely untrue. Here, as you can see, he is clearly quite fit.457499283_10

Being a Penguin

BREAKING: Santa is actually a penguin.457507707_10


He also feeds penguins. Who, according to the previous photo, are also him.158708036_10


The penguins have gathered around a tree, in which Santa's likeness appears.


This is getting too meta.78200161_10

Riding Rollercoasters

Santa also likes roller coasters...78644754_10


...and waterskiing.94323008_10

Touring Baghdad

He supports the troops.84061820_10


In Sydney, Santa dives out of a plane and lands in the ocean...454745371_10

Swimming with Fish

Where he joins a school of fish...457499409_10

Training Dolphins

Then, bursting out of the water in Tokyo...457817417_10

Cleaning Windows

he... cleans windows?94373230_10


When back in the cold weather, Santa likes to play curling.94930521_10

Playing Soccer

He's not very good at some sports.158716004_10

Performing with the Chicago Bulls

But he's great at others.158710163_10

Diving into Barcelona's Old Harbour

So, if you happen to be out there in the big world and see Santa doing something crazy – don't hesitate. Dive right in and join him!
If you live in New York or one of 320 other naughty cities, you probably already know that Santa Claus doesn't exactly fit neatly into his own preferred list.
But hey, the man has a stressful job, having to deliver toys and candy to all the good little boys and girls of a seven-billion-strong planet and what-not. Toss in 364 vacation days a year, and we think anyone might get a little rowdy. The important thing here is to do as Santa says, not as Santa does.
SEE ALSO: How to Track Santa Online
Of course, there are more productive ways to blow off some steam than participating in seedy bar crawls and public brawls. We’ve found some Santas who know how to properly unwind without losing any of the extremity that makes the jolly man so spontaneous and fun.