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How to Avoid Dangers of Sitting

How to Avoid Dangers of Sitting
We all know that being a coach potato is bad, we even know in detail why it is bad. From every corner we hear that we should live our lives and move away from our PCs, tablets, and phones. Sitting too much has already earned the title of one of the 21 century’s most dangerous diseases. Of course, it is not a clinical kind of disease, just a simplified term to name a bunch of health problems that happen due to a sedentary lifestyle. So how can you avoid these unpleasant consequences without changing your job for something more active or throwing out all the chairs you have?
First of all, why is sitting so bad for you? During long centuries of evolution, human beings were designed to move. Our ancestors used to walk (or at least stand) nearly the whole day. This seems hardly possible now unless your job requires such a position, which is also not good. The important thing is you should not stand (still, that is better than sitting), you have to move, change positions. And here are some tips you can use as a start.
Now you have no excuses such as “I cannot afford going to the gym,” since many health-improving exercises do not require special sports equipment. Try NEAT—a non-exercise activity thermogenesis. In other words, you should start stretching, bending, and turning. This will help you release muscle tension and quicken your blood flow. Secondly, shorter exercise sessions are more preferable than one long one. Plan your daily activity in such a way that you do some moving at least each 1.5 hours. This may be walking, simple exercises, stretching, running, or whatever you like. Your main goal is to move as much throughout the day as possible.
And the last important thing: start integrating sports into your ordinary life. Feeling stressed and lonely without an evening TV-show? OK, you can watch it, but instead of sitting on a sofa with a pack of snacks, get up and walk around, or tidy up your house, or make short sessions of squatting during the commercial break. Whatever you choose, do it regularly, and you will avoid all the dangers of sitting.


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