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Haunting Multiple-Exposure Photos Blend Humans and Nature

Haunting Multiple-Exposure Photos Blend Humans and Nature

Multiple-exposure photography is challenging to perfect, but beautifully eerie when done well. Finnish photographer Christoffer Relander is known for using this technique, blending images of people and objects into single, stunning photos.
For Relander's latest series, titled "We Are Nature Vol. III," the artist created light and airy multiple-exposure portraits blended with natural elements.
IMAGE: CHRISTOFFER RELANDER Relander told Mashable the series is inspired by his childhood in the Finnish countryside, where he was surrounded by "beautiful natural environments, environments that I cannot imagine any child could ignore."
He says his background in fine art and graphic design, which he studied in college, has helped shape his current work. He also adds that his current multiple-exposure technique of "patiently reshaping my subjects, playing with textures" developed naturally from earlier experiences with art.
You can see more of Relander's art on his website and on Facebook.


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