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Prankster Brings Snow to the Desert for a Kiss

Prankster Brings Snow to the Desert for a KissTobasco-toothbrush

Snow in the Arizona desert? It sounds like a far-fetched Christmas miracle.
But with the help of a few crew members, YouTube prankster Stuart Edge managed to make it happen, and earned a few kisses in the process.

Edge and and his friend Christian surveyed men and women on the Arizona State University campus about the holidays. The school is located in Tempe, where the average temperature high for December is 68 degrees and snow is extremely unlikely. So when the two asked participants if they would kiss someone in the snow, many said yes. That's when a few behind-the-scenes crew members turned on the hidden snow machine and lowered a sprig of mistletoe on a string.
The surprised reactions from the unsuspecting men and women are priceless, and even led to a few quick kisses for Edge and Christian. The clip is a sequel to Edge's enormously popular mistletoe prank video, which stands at more than 24 million views. If you haven't already watched it, check it out below.


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