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The 34 Most Beautiful Google Street View Sightings


1. Boats With Cherry Blossoms

Small boats line a cherry blossom basin next to Hirosaki Castle in Hirosaki, Japan.
Find it yourself: +40° 36’ 28.58”, +140° 27’ 35.32”Clear%2520lake

2. Chrystal Clear Bay

Blue skies hang overhead in Bahia de Concepcion in Baja Sur, Mexico.
Find it yourself: +26° 37’ 32.56”, -111° 48’ 47.20”Coral%2520reef

3. Coral Reef

Street View isn't just for streets. This underwater shot shows the Hourglass Reef in Bermuda.
Find it yourself: +32° 20’ 49.41”, -64° 38’ 59.23”Fog%2520crashing%2520over%2520rocks

4. Waves Crashing Over Rocks

This spectacular sea view was spotted on Isla Isabela, one of the Galapagos Islands, in Ecuador.
Find it yourself: -0.830222,-91.164393Abandoned%2520homes

5. Abandoned Homes

In addition to nature, Street View has captured some unique architectural gems, such as these abandoned buildings on Ha Island in Japan.
Find it yourself: +32° 37’ 39.72”, +129° 44’ 17.73”Cliffs%2520from%2520a%2520bridge

6. Bridge With a View

This surreal shot was taken from California Route 1 on Bixby Bridge, south of Monterrey, Calif.
Find it yourself: +36° 22’ 19.60”, -121° 54’ 8.21”Cottage%2520at%2520mountain%2520foothills

7. Cottage at Mountain Foothills

These mountainside cottages were captured near Ogimachi, Japan.
Find it yourself: +36° 15’ 10.94”, +136° 54’ 2.72”Deer%2520on%2520water

8. Deer on Water

Two deer walk along Lago di Vernago in Northern Italy, by the Austrian border.
Find it yourself: +46° 44’ 17.74”, +10° 50’ 3.56”Dirt%2520road

9. Dirt Road Through Flowered Fields

This scenic dirt road in Jopera, Estonia is lined by trees and flower-filled fields.
Find it yourself: +58° 16’ 13.27”, +27° 26’ 9.55”Dock%2520over%2520water

10. Dock Over Water

This broken dock was spotted at the Kennedy Town Jockey Club Clinic in
Hong Kong.

Find it yourself: +22° 16’ 48.41”, +114° 7’ 2.36”Driving%2520across%2520the%2520water

11. Driving Across the Water

This view from the Bryant Patton Bridge to St. George Island, Fla. feels like you're driving over the ocean.
Find it yourself: +29° 41’ 18.69”, -84° 53’ 5.69”Flower%2520pots

12. Flower Pots

Sometimes you need to look down to spot the most charming Street Views, like these flower pots in Goldap, Poland.
Find it yourself: +54° 18’ 24.84”, +22° 18’ 13.19”Footprints%2520on%2520a%2520beach

13. Footprints on a Beach

These dainty footprints were captured on Heron Island, near Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Find it yourself: -23° 26’ 33.89”, +151° 54’ 23.90”From%2520the%2520top%2520of%2520a%2520bridge

14. Top of a Bridge

Google Street View gives you access to some vistas ordinary people never see, like this look from the top of Japan's Great Seto Bridge.
Find it yourself: +34° 22’ 58.81”, +133° 49’ 8.54”Goat%2520running%2520through%2520a%2520field

15. Baby Calf Running Through a Field

This baby calf was spotted prancing through a field near Mjolby, Sweden.
Find it yourself: +58° 11’ 57.61”, +15° 26’ 2.80”Hidden%2520train%2520pass

16. Hidden Train Pass

The leaves change colors next to the Torokko Saga Station in Kyoto, Japan.
Find it yourself: +35° 1’ 7.67”, +135° 40’ 49.48”House%2520on%2520a%2520river

17. Cottage on a River

This small wood cabin near Tyssedal, Norway has a charming view.
Find it yourself: +60° 8’ 2.25”, +6° 32’ 18.57”Inside%2520a%2520museum

18. Inside Gemäldegalerie

You can now visit museums like Berlin's Gemäldegalerie, with Street View.
Find it yourself: +52° 30’ 31.42”, +13° 21’ 53.61”Lost%2520boat

19. Three Boats

These three boats rest on the banks of the Amazon River near Manaus, Brazil.
Find it yourself: -2.97917°, -60.604366°Little%2520island

20. Rocky Island

A rocky mass lies off the coast of the Island of Sado, Japan.
Find it yourself: +38° 19’ 51.87”, +138° 29’ 8.45”Mossy%2520creek

21. Mossy Creek

Street View lets you explore this verdant creek near Kikuchi, Japan.
Find it yourself: +33° 0’ 3.27”, +130° 57’ 5.57”Little%2520waterfall

22. Roadside Waterfall

This gushing waterfall is in Seydisfjordur, near Fljotsdalsherao, Iceland.
Find it yourself: +65° 14’ 26.45”, -14° 3’ 18.34”Monkeys

23. Japanese Macaques

Japanese Macaques bathe in hot springs at Jigokudani Monkey Park in Nakano, Japan.
Find it yourself: +36° 43’ 57.30”, +138° 27’ 43.49”Narrow%2520water%2520pass

24. Narrow Water Pass

These cliffs were captured on the island of San Cristabal, one of Ecuador's Galapagos Islands.
Find it yourself: -0° 46' 43.10", -89° 31' 10.44"Ocean%2520coast

25. Ocean Coast

This ocean view was captured at Buddha Point in Holoholokai Beach Park, on the island of Hawaii.
Find it yourself: +19° 55’ 39.63”, -155° 53’ 19.20”Snow%2520field

26. Snowy Plain

A snowmobile glides across this white landscape near Kebnekaise, Sweden.
Find it yourself: +67° 56’ 55.00”, +18° 4’ 57.73”

27. Pine-Lined Road

This picturesque, tree-lined road is near Poprad, Slovakia.
Find it yourself: +49° 6’ 48.61”, +20° 3’ 39.42”

28. The Ancient Miharu Takizakura

Miharu Takizakura is a 1,000-year-old weeping higan cherry tree in Miharu, Fukushima, Japan. The wooden supports were added by the local community following heavy snow in 2005.
Find it yourself: +37° 24’ 27.89”, +140° 30’ 0.58”Railroad%2520along%2520a%2520river

29. Railroad Along a River

Japan's Torokko Saga train station is set along a stunning river.
Find it yourself: +35° 1’ 7.58”, +135° 40’ 48.16”River

30. Sunset Over a River

Few views are as surreal as watching the sun set over water, as seen here in Loviste, Croatia.
Find it yourself: +43° 1’ 34.66”, +17° 1’ 56.55”Lake%2520with%2520mountains

31. Lake With Mountains

The mountains of Nesheim Camping & Hytter, located north of Bergen, Norway, reflect almost perfectly in the water.
Find it yourself: +61° 4’ 5.88”, +5° 48’ 10.90”Snow%2520covered%2520road

32. Snow-Covered Road

A snow-covered road in Tolga, Norway.
Find it yourself: +62° 20’ 3.23”, +11° 14’ 51.75”Underwater

33. School of Fish

A school of fish swim near Heron Island in Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Find it yourself: 23° 26’ 34.35”, +151° 54’ 23.71”Valley%2520filled%2520with%2520clouds

34. Valley Filled With Clouds

A river runs through this valley in Buttermere, England.
Find it yourself: +54° 30’ 56.92”, -3° 12’ 23.31”

Few Internet explorers are strangers to the pleasure of discovering a new landscape in Google Street View. However, unearthing true beauty in the massive database is an art.
A Tumblr called Oessa, started by UK student Mere Pachner in August 2012, documents some of the most striking visual images found in Google Street View, a novel form of nature photography.

 Embarrassing Google Street View Sightings
"I wanted to start a nature blog and began experimenting with using Street View. It gave me the freedom to compose my own shots of the world, instead of posting other peoples," Pachner wrote to Mashable in an email. "I've always wanted to travel but at the moment I can't afford to, and so I guess in a way I'm using this medium instead."
To find beautiful new places, Pachner picks a country and explores areas far removed from major cities. Most of the shots are the results of accidental stumbles, not places the blogger knew of in advance. Each post includes the exact location where the image was captured, so readers can use Oessa as a jumping off point for their own explorations.
There are roughly 900 posts on the blog to date. The above gallery features a selection of Pachner's favorite shots, which are aggregated on the blog.


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