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The Prison Goes To War And A Shocker For Hershel In The Walking Dead

The Prison Goes To War And A Shocker For Hershel In The Walking Dead

The Governor storms the cell block with tanks and troops in The Walking Dead's mid-season finale, kick-starting a bloody, zombie-filled, battle
The Walking Dead is always tense and harrowing; it's a show you can count on in that respect. But tonight's mid-season finale really does take the biscuit. Farewell "Brian", the Governor's back - and with a vengeance.
In episode eight 'Too Far Gone' we open to a stirring speech from the man himself, encouraging his new comrades to rally behind him and do what they must do to stay alive, and that means taking the prison. His words are convincing, especially given the two-episode story arc which has been fighting to prove he is a changed man. But we, the viewer, know what he's done. Credit where credit's due, some of what he tells his troops is true - Rick and co. did destroy Woodbury and Michonne did stab him through the eye - but he doesn't reveal the whole story. So, although his war-cry might be enough to inspire William Wallace, it ain't fooling us. He is resolute as ever and wants one thing, and one thing only: revenge. "We don't have to kill anybody, but we need to be prepared to," he purports. Yeah, right.
And when the Governor shows his leverage - he's taken Michonne and Hershel prisoner - the camp reluctantly agrees to take on the prison. At this point we return to the cell block, a sight we'd almost forgotten amid the Governer's back story. Glenn and Sasha are finally getting over that killer flu, Rick is breaking the news to Daryl about Carol's departure and Tyreese is still doggedly trying to find out who murdered Karen and David. Before Rick and Daryl have a chance to tell him it was Carol, an explosion rocks the prison walls, forcing all of them outside where the Governor and his gun-toting convoy are stood waiting at the gates.
Rick can't stop the Governor from attacking the prison in The Walking Dead mid-season finale
(image.net/Getty Images)
"I've got more people, more fire power. We need this prison," says the Governor, threatening to kill Hershel and Michonne if the group aren't out by sundown. Rick confronts him, insisting that they can live together in harmony - put the past in the past. When the Governor insists that it wouldn't work, the former sheriff pleads with the people before him, begging them to come into the prison and join forces: "We let go of all of it and nobody dies. I know we all can change." It's almost as rousing as the Governor's speech at the start of the episode - but not rousing enough to warm the cold heart of our villain.
In one heart-stopping moment, the Governor decides enough is enough. He raises his long sword and slices it through Hershel's neck. All the work this beloved character has done - saving his sickly friends, battling walkers, surviving a leg amputation - all seems lost in mere seconds. Blink and you might miss the blade as it swoops down, simultaneously killing him and robbing the Governer of the humanity he had shown in the previous two episodes. The writers went to great lengths to prove that David Morrissey's antagonist is actually human. Throughout episodes 6 and 7 we witnessed him getting overly-attached to Lilly and her daughter, Megan. But all that, gone. With one simple act.
All-out war ensues. Guns crack, knives cut and the zombie hordes descend on the two groups, magnetised by the sound of the unfolding battle. As the Governor 'finishes off' the dying Hershel, he looks up to see Lilly, walking towards him with a lifeless Megan in her arms. He had thought they were safe from the confrontation at a nearby river, but while Megan had been playing in the mud she accidentally unearthed a walker. The disgusting skeleton forced its way through the clay-like mud like a zombie straight out of Dawn of the Dead, clutching at her arms and biting deep into her neck. Lilly had barely gotten out of her chair before it was too late...
Heartbroken, but still resolute, he shoots Megan in the head - ensuring she won't return as a member of the undead - and walks back towards the battlefield. He heads straight for Rick as the chaos unfolds around him: the tank tears down the prison fences, Maggie and Beth are shooting furiously through their tears, and the remaining members of the prison camp are desperately trying to escape on the bus. Rick, already weakened by a gunshot to the leg, is helpless against the Governor as he delivers blow after below to his face and chest before wrapping his fingers around his windpipe. He forgot about his real nemesis though: Michonne. She appears out of nowhere, plunging a sword through his chest and leaving him to be ravaged by zombies.
Of course our hero's first thought is his children. He calls for Carl desperately, issuing a cry of relief when the brave youngster emerges from behind a pair of walkers. But where's baby Judith? The pair shuffle around the now empty prison - all but a few having got away on the bus - and spot her car seat, drenched in blood. It's enough to bring a tear to any grown man's eye as we witness Rick falling to his knees, sobbing relentlessly. Carl angrily shoots at nearby zombies before succumbing to an emotional breakdown himself. It's utterly harrowing. Around the corner we see the Governor, struggling for his last breaths before a shell-shocked Lilly appears and shoots him in the head.
The camera pans up to show hordes of walkers shuffling inside the walls of the prison - the place the group had worked so hard to call home. "Don't look back Carl, just keep walking," pleads Rick, leaning on his son for support as they flee the battlefield. Once again they are all scattered and on the run.
Best moment: When Michonne reclaims her long sword and ploughs it through the Governer's chest. Ding dong, the (man)witch is dead!
Random moment: Tyreese discovers a hole filled with mutilated rats. There's no time to discover who's behind the sickly act though, as seconds later the Governor attacks the cell block.
Verdict: From the second the episode starts you know something big is about to happen. And there's barely a second to catch your breath as the bloodshed ensues. If this were a film there'd be no point paying for a seat, 'cause you'd only be using the edge of it. Who knows what the return of the season in February will bring?


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